Free Clip from Managing IT: Metrics and Measurements - How SMART Are You?

[PHOTO] - Kevin Miller

Posted by Kevin Miller
Released:  November 20, 2018

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This course was published via Pluralsight.

SMART is an acronym to help you remember what it stands for, which is specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time‑bound.

Let's do a deep dive on each of those adjectives to better understand what they mean and define why they are important.

When you are specific with a KPI, it can be used to validate, direct, justify, or intervene. You need to ensure it is clear, unambiguous, and focused.

A KPI is a metric used to demonstrate achievements, judge progress, or show trends so it needs to be measurable.

In order for a KPI to have any impact, it must be an achievable metric. If it isn't, people will ignore it, and it will not drive the desired behavior.

KPIs need to always be relevant in relation to a CSF. Otherwise, the KPI is an extra metric not worth tracking.

Finally, KPIs need to be time‑bound. Without a deadline, one could argue that the metric just needs more time to get to the standard which has been set.

This course was published via Pluralsight.

Free Clips

Trailer:  Managing IT: Metrics and Measurements

Free clip #1:  Measurement Effort vs. Importance

Free clip #2:  Only Measure What's Important

Free clip #3:  How SMART Are You?

Free clip #4:  The IT Triangle

Full Course:  View on Pluralsight