Free Clip from Managing IT: Organizational Change Management - Sources of Resistance to Change

[PHOTO] - Kevin Miller

Posted by Kevin Miller
Released:  December 5, 2017

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This course was published via Pluralsight.

Almost all major changes are met with some sort of resistance. You see, resistance to change is normal. It's important to point this out because after you've completed this course, and rated it five stars, of course, you might think change management is as easy as flicking on a light switch. I'll be the first to tell you it's not that simple. Here are 10 sources of resistance. If you think of more, add them to the discussion board for this course.

The first one is easy. No commitment from management. If this is missing, it's easy for the troops on the ground to resist. Management needs to lead by example and show they are committed to the change. Change managers need to be aware of people saying yes but meaning no. Sometimes it is intentional, and other times people just revert back to doing things the old way. Both of these are detrimental to the positive change you are trying to introduce. When others on the fence see resistance, it's usually enough to get them to resist, too. Managers acting without authority will almost always meet resistance. Executives need to clearly state who was in charge of process changes and back them up. They cannot expect project managers to just get it done. And speaking of support, it needs to be seen early and often to help everyone understand that the change is happening for real this time.

Once things get going, they need to keep going. Losing momentum will lead to new resistance. Once management commits to a change, they need to stay committed, so this and future changes are respected and turn out successful. Making and keeping the change urgent will certainly help. Management can accomplish this by communicating often and including everyone. If someone's role is going to change, you need to talk to them to reduce anxiety and build a excitement for their new role. Don't just thrust them into it, or you will certainly meet resistance. Of course, if the change is not valuable, those implementing it will wonder why they are wasting their time, thus resistance. And finally, my personal favorite, too many top priorities. Someone once told me, If you have more than one number one priority, you have no number one priorities. Nothing can deflate a team like the feeling of being buried in work and being surrounded by chaotic firefighting. You need to have one number one priority.

Now that you know the sources of resistance, let's review how you can tell if your organization is open or resistant to change.

This course was published via Pluralsight.

Free Clips

Trailer:  Managing IT: Organizational Change Management

Free clip #1:  Sources of Resistance to Change

Free clip #2:  What is RACI?

Free clip #3:  Key Activities for Effective Change Management

Full Course:  View on Pluralsight